About Us

Flowers and rainbows may be different, but neither is more beautiful than the other.
My name is Emilie. My pronouns are she/her/they/them and I am a queer femme first generation Czech-Canadian. I started Stay Soft back in 2018 as a way for me to express my love of fluid beauty. Feeling like there was little to no space held for those stepping out of the boundaries of expected societal beauty, I wanted to create a space of my own, where we as many, could appreciate and highlight each other as we are. I believe that feeling good starts with self-compassion & radical acceptance, and this blossomed into a beautiful project, where I too have learnt to appreciate and value my own distinctions.
I chose to start Stay Soft through underwear because it felt like the most intimate of clothing; highly influencing how I feel in my outfit. So, I started designing patterns and and this little adventure turned into a beautiful expression of energy and self. By 2021, I was re-exploring arts that got me into my love of creating, getting back into working with beads and fabric painting. Stay Soft now also breathes new life into pre-existing garments, and I love being hands-on and creating fun items to share with others my love of playing dress-up!
I am so proud to base this project on a ‘slow’ fashion model by working directly with ethical sewing teams in Montreal for in-house design productions while also using pre-existing garments in the REWORKED Collection. To Stay Soft, spreading love, whether it be to ourselves or others, should also include our planet, and in an effort to choose to help recenter the imbalance of our ‘fast’ fashion world, ethical action also means taking care of the environment while creating.
In the end, don't change yourself for your clothing, change your clothing for yourself <3 I want Stay Soft to remind you that fashion is a fun way of expressing and that we should stand for cherishing people in their entirety and embracing our own unique identities while we play with style!